Chloe Lankshear Therapy Office, Alameda CA

How Online Therapy Works

The telehealth software I use (Simple Practice), is fully HIPAA compliant for your confidentiality. There is a Simple Practice app that you can use on your phone or you can use your laptop. You will receive a link for all our appointments and you click on the link at each appointment time to join the session.

Because all of our sessions will be online, all you need to do is find a private space. It could be in your home, office or car - anywhere that works!

There is strong evidence that online therapy can be as effective as face-to-face therapy, but it’s not for everyone. Those with severe mental health issues or who are actively suicidal would be better treated in a face-to-face/clinic setting.

Contact me for a free 20 minute consultation


Contact me for a free 20 minute consultation 〰️