Chloe Lankshear Therapy Butterflies

Could you and I work well together?

Here are some thoughts about the clients I work best with and who tend to get the most out of coming to see me:

You could be my ideal client if you . . .

. . . appreciate input, suggestions, new ideas, different perspectives, tools, strategies and humor/fun.

. . . value therapy and the collaborative process that takes place.

. . . understand that if you truly want change, a lot of the work will happen in between sessions. If you are receptive and open to trying new things you will get the best results. Being thoughtful and making an effort pay off.

. . . agree to take responsibility for your part in the process by making therapy a priority, being on time, letting me know in advance if you can’t make it and being open and honest.

Contact me for a free 20 minute consultation


Contact me for a free 20 minute consultation 〰️